Forbidden Thoughts

Forbidden thoughts . . .

Writing erotica is a passion of mine that grew from a little fun to fluster the women in my life, to something I enjoyed crafting. It’s something I’m always striving to improve and I’d like to think I’m cultivating a reputation for it.

I first started writing ‘Filth’ many years ago. I randomly started writing some filth scenes and sent them to my then partner. I didn’t really know what I was doing, typical of anything back then, and I used myself and her as characters, basing the scenarios around us. I wrote for her, to arouse her, turn her on, often when we were apart or as a build up to a later meeting.

Now, I write for anyone, well anyone who cares to read my work. My filth was still raw though.

So, sit down, relax make yourself comfortable and click a link.


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